The resurgence of thought toward spiritual things is one of the most heartening signs of the present. Frequently in a newspaper does some columnist, erstwhile man of the world, point to a spiritual awakening as paramount.
This spiritual awakening and the events leading up to it are not unlike the disciples' experience before and after the crucifixion. Their three years of discipleship had not wholly dispelled the illusion of duality, or life reckoned in terms of materiality as well as spirituality. Bewildered as they were after the tragic events at Jerusalem, their spiritual vision darkened, the future was clouded with uncertainty.
Likewise humanity has believed in a spiritual existence, and sought perhaps blindly to attain it. But the entrenched belief of a material world inhabited by a material man who is directing his energies and capabilities toward material progress has betrayed mankind. The substanceless nature of matter is at a high degree of development, becoming more obvious. Mankind seems to stand before the sepulcher of its own hopes as did the disciples.