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From the October 1944 issue of The Christian Science Journal

Probably no one realized better than did the beloved Founder of the Christian Science movement, Mary Baker Eddy, the trials and vicissitudes facing the men, and, in modern times, the women of the armed forces of the nations, and the invaluable and effective aid which their relatives and friends who are enjoying the protection and privilege of home life can afford them.

"In your peaceful homes," she writes (Christian Science versus Pantheism, pp. 14, 15), "remember our brave soldiers, whether in camp or in battle. Oh, may their love of country, and their faithful service thereof, be unto them life-preservers!" And then, directing the thought of her followers as to how this protective work can best be done, she concludes, "May our Father-Mother God, who in times past hath spread for us a table in the wilderness and 'in the midst of our enemies,' establish us in the most holy faith, plant our feet firmly on Truth, the rock of Christ, the 'substance of things hoped for'—and fill us with the life and understanding of God, and good will towards men."

The Christian Science Board of Directors has appointed a large number of Wartime Ministers, Camp Welfare Commitees, and Volunteer Workers to assist in the great work of ministering to the spiritual needs of Christian Scientists serving in the armed forces. These workers know that their efficiency can be greatly increased if those on the home front give them their continuous support.

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