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From the October 1944 issue of The Christian Science Journal

The Lesson-Sermon, which is read every Sunday in Christian Science churches all over the world, is unique. The Bible is read, together with "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" by Mary Baker Eddy, the textbook of Christian Science.

This key truly unlocks the Scriptures and makes plain, for everyone who reads with an open mind, the healing truth contained therein. This fact is irrefutable. Thousands can testify that through study of Science and Health they have been healed of sickness, redeemed from sin, provided for and protected by their awakened spiritual understanding of the Word of God as applicable to human affairs. Christ Jesus said, "Ye shall know them by their fruits."

How grateful we should be to our Leader, Mrs. Eddy, for her spiritual insight in establishing through God's direction the Lesson-Sermon as the impersonal pastor in Christian Science churches. Every student of Christian Science studies the truth contained in these Lesson-Sermons during the week. Thus he obtains an intelligent grasp of the subject before he comes to the Sunday services. As each one faithfully brings his individual offering, collective blessing will go out to all mankind with untold power to heal and regenerate. It therefore behooves each one of us to study the Lesson every day in the secret of God's presence, where its spiritual import unfolds to our understanding.

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