Christian Science first came to our attention when I was a young girl, and my mother and I took up its study. The first physical healing my mother received was of asthma, from which she had suffered for many years and from which the physicians had given her only temporary relief. A short period of treatment from a Christian Science practitioner brought about a complete and permanent healing.
I had the privilege of attending a Christian Science Sunday School for a number of years, and continue to be grateful for the teaching about God and man which gave me a basic understanding of God's healing law. Since becoming a member of The Mother Church and of a branch church, I have had the opportunity, along with doing other church work, of teaching in the Sunday school; and I always have a deep desire to give to the boys and girls something of what Sunday school teaching meant to me.
Science has brought many healings to our home, including those of influenza, pneumonia, sprained ankle, eczema, nervous prostration, sick headaches, a gathering in the head, and many minor ailments. In several instances my father and I were led to right employment in unforeseen ways, and business transactions have unfolded easily and advantageously.