Because I have been the recipient of so many blessings for the past twenty-two years, all of which have come through the study and application of Christian Science, I wish to express my sincere gratitude for our Leader, Mary Baker Eddy.
My first healing was the overcoming of sorrow after the sudden passing on of my husband. Having only a slight knowledge of Christian Science at that time, I asked a practitioner for help, and through her work was completely healed of all sense of sorrow and separation within a few months.
My husband had provided bountifully for my little daughter and me, but through misjudgment in turning my affairs over to a friend, I found that within a short time practically everything which I possessed had been swept away. It was then that it became necessary for me to put into practice all that I knew of the truth. Although the way seemed dark at times, I am grateful to say that by steadfastly clinging to God we have been abundantly supplied through all these years.