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Testimonies of Healing

Christian Science was presented to...

From the December 1946 issue of The Christian Science Journal

Christian Science was presented to me several years before I accepted it, but I finally did so at a time when I was suffering from what a physician and a specialist pronounced one of the "worst collapses of all nerve centers" that they had ever witnessed. The condition resulted from grief at the passing on of my parents within a very short time of each other, and the strain of their illness prior to that. After doing everything that could be done for me in medical science, the doctors finally recommended that I be sent to a sanatorium for rest and treatment. I had gotten to the point where I could neither sleep nor eat, and at times was too weak to walk across the room.

It was then that my brother-in-law, who is a student of Christian Science, again presented it to me and in his letter enclosed a page from an old copy of The Christian Science Journal with a list of practitioners. My husband, who is a post office clerk, had come to know a Scientist through the literature she was receiving, and he inquired of this student as to the nearest practitioner. We found that there was one right in our own town, and that there was also a Christian Science Society which held Sunday morning services and Wednesday evening meetings in the homes of the First and Second Readers.

Not understanding anything of Science or absent treatments, I waited until a week later, when I was strong enough to walk to the practitioner's home some distance away. Upon introducing myself I was received with great love, and something of the truth as taught in Science was explained to me. The facts that our Father-Mother God is unchanging Love, that grief is a form of selfishness, and many other beautiful truths were made clear to me. I was given my first Christian Science treatment, and since it was Wednesday, was invited to attend the Wednesday evening meeting to be held there that night. At the time I had no intention of attending it, for one of my greatest fears was a gathering of any kind. Upon returning home I told my husband something of what had been told me, and about the invitation to the service that evening. My husband decided immediately that we would attend, and we have never missed a service since when it was possible to be present.

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