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Testimonies of Healing

It is with sincere love and gratitude to...

From the December 1946 issue of The Christian Science Journal

It is with sincere love and gratitude to God for all that He has done for me that I give this testimony.

I had been a registered medical nurse and knew nothing of Christian Science until seven years ago when I was called on a Christian Science case. The patient was a child whose parents were removing him from a hospital in an apparently hopeless condition and placing him under the care of a practitioner. The child had had several operations, and a great deal of surgical dressing was required. As no Christian Science nurse with hospital training was available, I was asked to take the case, and was willing to do so in order to help bring about the healing.

The experience proved to be a blessing to me. As I observed the child's progress and saw Science overcoming conditions which I knew materia medica could not conquer, I began to have great respect for it, whereas we had ridiculed it at the hospitals. Out of curiosity, and also to help the child, I read the periodicals and Science and Health by Mrs. Eddy, and found very shortly that I too was having healings. One of the outstanding ones, just from reading the textbook, was that of shingles. Another healing was of a severe attack of sinus trouble for which I had only one treatment from a practitioner. The previous winter I had had a similar attack and was treated by the best medical specialist I knew of, who used X-ray treatments, serums, and various other remedies, but I was miserable for many months. Words cannot express my gratitude for this healing.

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