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From the May 1946 issue of The Christian Science Journal

A Basic requirement for instantaneous healing is an acknowledgment and realization of God's infinite ever-presence and omnipotence. In Christian Science practice, the healing of both sin and sickness is coincidental with a clear realization of God's immediate presence. As in the full radiance of noontide all is light, and darkness is nonexistent, so in the eternal noon of divine effulgence every belief of sickness or sin is found to be unreal.

Christian Scientists are daily proving that sin, sickness, and death can be ruled out of thought and consequently out of experience. Oftentimes stubborn cases of sin and sickness have immediately yielded to an audible or inaudible declaration of the truth based upon a spiritual understanding that the divine power is present to heal and to save.

To accept the eternal facts of the perfection and infinitude of God and of man's coexistence with Him is to open the door of thought to the healing and invigorating light of Truth, the gentle and constant ministrations of infinite Love, and the unerring law and government of divine Principle. The following incident will serve to illustrate how the acceptance, declaration, and realization of God's presence heals instantaneously.

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