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From the May 1946 issue of The Christian Science Journal

Sometimes our human progress is impeded by stumbling blocks of one kind or another, obstructions to finding the harmony for which we hope and pray. The obstruction may take the form of a long-standing sickness, or a sin to which we are prone to cling; or it may appear to be a person, place, or thing which stands in the way of the solution of a difficulty. How grateful we may be, then, that Christian Science is today available to all mankind to aid them in the dissolution and elimination of these obstructions!

Recently the writer found that the occupant of her newly bought home was not willing to vacate, and, since he was obstinate in his intent, the problem took on large proportions. To all outward appearances there was little hope of any quick solution. However, one morning the Christian Scientist decided to turn wholeheartedly to God, knowing that He is omnipotent Mind and omnipresent Love.

IT became clear to her that she had been disobeying the First Commandment by virtually bowing down and worshiping, or believing in, a power apart from God. She was believing that there was a person whose resistance and obstinacy could impede her progress and stand in the way of God's law of harmony and right adjustment. She also realized that she had been accepting a sort of defeatism about the problem, thinking that eventually it would work out, and that meanwhile she would just have to tolerate it.

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