Five years have passed since I first learned of Christian Science. My first healing came when I needed it most. I lived in an apartment, and across the hall from me lived good friends who were Christian Scientists. For many years I had doctored and spent much money, but to no avail. Every bone in my body ached day and night and my mind was being affected. I could not even sit up straight. Doctors said I could never get well, that I should have to go to a hospital and be put into a cast for the rest of my life. They called the trouble a rare bone disease.
So one day I went to these dear friends and said that if Christian Science could do something for me, I wished it would. The following Sunday I was up and ready to go to church. They took me to the very front of the auditorium. Although I was so mindful of my pains that I was barely able to keep sitting, nevertheless I remained and tried to listen. The next Sunday I went again, and the following weeks too, never missing. I had engaged a Christian Science practitioner, and, with her loving, patient help, in three months I was healed. I remember the last time I called her; as I talked to her I felt worse than I had felt for a long time, but these words came to me from the other end of the line: "You are healed. I know it, and you know it." The trouble was at once overcome, and I was healed.
I thank God for Christian Science and for the practitioners and loving friends who saw my need and came to help me. I thank God also for our beloved Leader, Mary Baker Eddy; for all the Christian Science literature, and for every activity of the movement; for being a member of The Mother Church, in Boston, Massachusetts, and for doing my small part in church work. My desire is to be a good Christian Scientist.—Detroit, Michigan.