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From the February 1947 issue of The Christian Science Journal

In the fourteenth chapter of Matthew we read of Jesus walking on the sea and going to his disciples. During the hours preceding this event the Master had retired to "a desert place apart," doubtless to commune with his Father in prayer. Even there, however, multitudes followed him, eager to listen to his healing words of Truth. In this instance, as in all others, those who were seeking the Christ, or Truth, were not disappointed. Jesus compassionately healed, restored, and fed them. Then he told his disciples to embark for the other side of the sea.

After sending the people away, he went alone to a mountain to pray. It was during those hours of earnest prayer apart from the multitude that Christ Jesus refreshed himself with spiritual truths and realized anew his at-one-ment with God, a realization which enabled him to walk victoriously over the limitations of so-called material laws.

Early the next morning, as their ship was being tossed about by the wind and waves, the disciples saw Jesus coming to them walking on the sea. At first they thought it was a spirit, but Jesus identified himself and quieted their apprehension. Then the impetuous Peter asked Jesus to bid him come to him on the water. Jesus did so, and Peter walked on the waves, thus proving that a knowledge of man's dominion as a son of God is potent to break the limiting fetters of false material laws. Peter's doubt and fear, however, when he saw himself without material support, caused him to begin to sink, and it was necessary for Jesus to save him.

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