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From the February 1947 issue of The Christian Science Journal

That we are living in an era of great progress in the realm of the physical sciences there can be no doubt. The development of radar during the war and the discovery of how to release the power which furnished the atomic bomb show that the human mind is exploring new fields and overcoming many of the material limitations which it has accepted for centuries. Lest mankind wrest these great inventions to its own destruction, it is clear that something more than natural science, however advanced, is needed.

Students of Christian Science know that there have been thinkers greater than any we hear about today who have explained and demonstrated the Science which far surpasses all the material sciences. This is the Science of Spirit. Christ Jesus furnished proof of his control of matter and its so-called laws. The Bible implies this, for it records that he annihilated the material sense of space and "immediately the ship was at the land whither they went" (John 6:21). He overcame the material law of gravity when he walked on the water. He produced bread and fish without the usual process of material growth. He stilled the tempest and calmed the waves. He not only healed many diseases that were thought to be incurable but also restored life to those who were said to be dead.

With Mary Baker Eddy's discovery Christianity, as Jesus proved it, was united to Science and the world received in the textbook, "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures," a complete and permanent exposition of the divine Principle which underlay the Master's great works and of the rules which must accompany its demonstration. Our beloved Leader writes (ibid., p. 147): "Our Master healed the sick, practised Christian healing, and taught the generalities of its divine Principle to his students; but he left no definite rule for demonstrating this Principle of healing and preventing disease. This rule remained to be discovered in Christian Science."

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