It is recorded in the four Gospels that multitudes gathered together to hear the teaching of Christ Jesus wherever he appeared. It is apparent that the multitudes were not being attracted to a magnetic human personality, nor were they drawn by the hope of material benefits promised by a political figure backed by party affiliation. For it is stated that they brought with them their sick and afflicted, and that he healed them all.
The multitude of the Master's time followed him because of the pure Christ, Truth, which was so manifest in his thought and life. And for the same reason people were later attracted to the disciples who accepted his Christly teaching.
Jesus' explanation of his power to heal sickness and destroy evil in every form was (John 14:10), "The Father that dwelleth in me, he doeth the works." This manifestation of the power and willingness of God to heal sickness and destroy sin through the spiritualized consciousness of men was no more understood by the materialists of that day than it is by those of today when the divine power accomplishes the same healing results through the prayers of the consecrated Christian Scientist.