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From the May 1947 issue of The Christian Science Journal

WHAT student of Christian Science does not find himself, again and again, marveling at the inspiration of the author of the textbook of this Science? That Mary Baker Eddy was divinely guided in writing this book, even she did not question. In "The First Church of Christ, Scientist, and Miscellany" (p.115) she writes: "I should blush to write of 'Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures' as I have, were it of human origin, and were I, apart from God, its author. But, as I was only a scribe echoing the harmonies of heaven in divine metaphysics, I cannot be super-modest in my estimate of the Christian Science textbook."

Members of Mrs. Eddy's household have reported that she would occasionally call some of her students to her to share with them some fresh illumination which she had just gained from a statement in Science and Health, indicating that she was as avid a student of the textbook as were any of her followers.

The purpose of this editorial is to call especial attention to three pages of this book which contain a vital message for those who are engaged in the sacred work of Christian healing. On pages 85, 94, and 95 we find pertinent paragraphs dealing with the reading of the human mind. Mrs. Eddy hastens to assure her readers, however, that the Mind-reading to which she refers has nothing to do with clairvoyance, but is the result of the student's unfolding spiritual understanding. She calls attention to a notable instance of the reading of thought in connection with the Samaritan woman's experience with Christ Jesus. According to John's Gospel (4:29), the woman said, "Come, see a man, which told me all things that ever I did: is not this the Christ?" In other places in the New Testament we find references to the fact that the Saviour, through his extraordinary spiritual insight, discerned the thoughts of those about him, and thus was able instantly to put his finger on the cause of their troubles and bring about healing.

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