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From the May 1947 issue of The Christian Science Journal

TO be in one's right place is to be conscious of man's oneness with God, with good alone. Scientifically speaking, there is only one place, the right place: the sense of place which God eternally reveals to His own image and likeness, man.

In human experience, mortals often feel that they are out of place or in the wrong place, in other words, that there is one right place, but there are many wrong ones. Such a belief often entails great mental suffering. To find the solution of such a problem one must ascertain what man is and what kind of universe he inhabits, in order to reach any conclusion regarding his right place in that universe. Mary Baker Eddy has revealed to mankind the correct answers to these questions in "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures." Contrary to human philosophizing, reasoning, and analysis, she does not dissect the mortal in order to determine what man is, or the chemical properties of the earth in order to determine where he dwells. She starts with God, the great First Cause, and from Him proceeds in logical sequence to His one effect, man and the universe. This method of reasoning is based on the authority of the Holy Scriptures, in which man is affirmed to be the image and likeness of God, His child. His witness.

It therefore devolves on the seeker to establish in consciousness what God is, that he may determine what man is. Christian Science can be described as God's revelation of Himself to mankind, in a form comprehensible to human consciousness. Seven specific, all-inclusive synonyms for God are listed on page 465 of the textbook, preceded by four qualifying adjectives. When the synonyms are studied in conjunction with each separate adjective, their deep, rich meaning gradually unfolds to the student, and he begins to understand something of what man is as the effect of the one cause.

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