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From the March 1950 issue of The Christian Science Journal

[As published in the Christian Science Sentinel, February 11, 1950]

In order to continue proper maintenance of The Mother Church edifices, following their many years of service, extensive renovations and repairs have become necessary. Much of the steel structure of the main dome of the Church needs to be replaced and the dome retiled with terra cotta. Work on the lower structure will include treatment of the steel in the clerestory walls and restoration of the exterior surface where there has been spalling off of the stone. This work will not change the appearance of the exterior.

The organ in the Original Edifice is being rearranged in order to provide space needed for rebuilding the organ in the Extension. The outward appearance of both organs will be unchanged. The present project not only will provide a larger and more artistic organ in the Extension, but will restore the Original Edifice organ to its former size through the use of space above the ceiling of the auditorium. An opening for the sound, to be made in the ceiling over the balcony of the Original Mother Church, will be covered by an appropriately designed grille which will harmonize with the interior decoration.

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