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From the January 1951 issue of The Christian Science Journal

Mary Baker Eddy, the revered Discoverer and Founder of Christian Science, never lost sight of the universal purpose of her God-appointed mission. It was for all mankind that she labored. The promise of Christian Science is world-wide freedom from all evil. Our beloved Leader dedicated herself to the practical fulfillment of this promise. The seemingly slender resources at hand did not darken her spiritual vision. She pierced the veil of material limitations and beheld the reality of being. Through demonstration her followers will inherit the glory revealed in her discovery. She comes to our support with these inspiring words in "Unity of Good" (p. 12): "The laborers are few in this vineyard of Mind-sowing and reaping; but let them apply to the waiting grain the curving sickle of Mind's eternal circle, and bind it with bands of Soul."

Christian Science teaches us that Soul is God, the infinite individuality which is man's by reflection. Within this All-in-all of true being man dwells eternally. He can dwell nowhere else. Soul's infinite consciousness is all-inclusive, for it embraces the completeness of creation. Closer to us than light and air are the harmony and immortality of Soul. God's children enjoy boundless freedom, the atmosphere of Soul. Through the understanding of Christian Science, which enables us to attain loving, trustworthy relationships with our fellow men, obedience to the divine government can be demonstrated in human affairs. The redemptive process which lifts us above the erring influence of human will and reveals man's Soul-bestowed identity is an individual experience. It is the appearing of the Christ, Truth, which proclaims the new birth, the outcome of self-immolation.

The Church which Mrs. Eddy founded, The Mother Church, with its branches and world-wide activities, exemplifies this redemptive process. It presents visible proof of the brotherhood of man, and it foreshadows the full realization of the universal reign of Soul. Of far greater significance than any humanly contrived organization, it stands a unique and triumphant witness to spiritual power. It mirrors the collective force embodied in lives dedicated to the service of God, Spirit. It gives renewed and continuing proofs of the healing value of Christian Science. Membership in 'The Mother Church and its branches is the humble and grateful assent which Christian Scientists give to the life-preserving truth of Mrs. Eddy's teachings. The loving and insistent "Come unto me" of the Christ meets its response in our loyal acceptance of the duties and rewards of discipleship. Within Church our Master's prayer comes to pass (John 17:21): "That they all may be one; as thou, Father, art in me, and I in thee, that they also may be one in us: that the world may believe that thou hast sent me."

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