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From the January 1951 issue of The Christian Science Journal

Christian Science, which brings to mankind an understanding of spiritual reality, defines with scientific exactness the true identity of men and all things. It shows that God is the only cause and creator and reveals that all He creates is good and spiritual. Consequently matter cannot produce, form, or bring to pass anything that is real.

Christian Science further discloses that God is Mind and the only substance. Therefore distinguishing spiritual characteristics, properties, and qualities are not contingent on or conditioned by matter. Christian Science clearly separates between the ideas of Soul and the objects of sense, explaining that the first are the eternal, perfect, and everywhere present creations of God, while the second are but the dream images, or illusions, of a sensuous so-called mind, ignorantly and mistakenly believed to exist in matter.

Any effort to discover the true identity of men or things by beginning with and proceeding from a material standpoint can therefore only result in failure. True identity has never existed in matter. Things material are ever in a state of constant flux and change which can never be the medium for the expression of real and unchanging identity.

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