I feel that my testimony of the healing of tuberculosis of the lungs is long past due. In 1915 I suffered a complete breakdown. Like the woman in the Bible (Mark 5:26), I "had suffered many things of many physicians,... and was nothing bettered, but rather grew worse."
At that time I had a very slight interest in Christian Science but was not ready to depend upon it for healing. In his earnest desire to see me healed, my husband rushed me from one physician to another. At last I was examined by a specialist who was regarded as one of the world's best authorities on tuberculosis. After this examination we were told that there was absolutely no hope of my ever living an active, normal life again.
When all material means had failed us my husband and I turned wholeheartedly to Christian Science, and he asked the help of a consecrated practitioner for me. Lovingly and patiently she worked with me for ten months. I was completely healed and have lived an active, normal life since that time.