The coming of Christian Science into my experience was like beautiful sunshine entering a dark room. For over twenty-four years it has comforted, strengthened, corrected, uplifted, and guided me, and in the process it has brought many healings. Its help with our family of five children has been inestimable.
My overcoming of rheumatic fever in thirty-six hours was in direct contrast to a previous experience I had had under medical treatment when months of convalescence were required. The Christian Science practitioner turned my thought to the beatitudes and explained that they are ascending steps up which we mount to become conscious of God instead of a difficulty. I became so engrossed in following through this thought the rest of the day that the trouble had no lodging place in my consciousness and just slipped away. A baby I was nursing at that time refused all food for twenty hours, but remained happy and slept normally. The child resumed normal feeding immediately after the practitioner denied the existence of a Mind other than God or of am will but God's. I resumed my full household duties, which were main, and was in my place at church the next morning.
When about five months old this baby became ill after every meal and grew very thin. A talk with a practitioner revealed that I was rejecting my spiritual food by neglecting to study the Lesson-Sermon from the Christian Science Quarterly. The excuse was lack of time. Together the practitioner and I studied the definitions of time, day, year, morning, and evening from the Glossary in Science and Health by Mrs. Eddy. Each morning thereafter I looked forward to further revelation and progress in demonstrating what I was learning. After several days of this interesting occupation I realized that the baby had not been sick since my visit to the practitioner.