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From the December 1953 issue of The Christian Science Journal

The Tuesday evening meeting, entitled "The Healing Work of Christian Science, " which followed this year's Annual Meeting of The Mother Church, is available as a tape recording. Copies can be borrowed by branches of The Mother Church, without charge, for presentation at meetings of their members to take place before January 31, 1954. The recording, complete with hymns, readings, and prayer, runs one hour and thirty-three minutes and includes, the following addresses:

Our Leader and Her Healing Mission by Miss Emma C. Shipman
"Physician, heal thyself'' by Joseph Ware
The Healing Mission of Church by Mrs. Jeanne Roe Price
The Harvest Hour by Frederick G. Roberts
Our Healing Work for the World by Miss Evelyn F. Heywood

An inquiry on a postal card addressed as follows will bring full information and an application: Theodore E. Metzner, Manager, Department of Branches and Practitioners, 107 Falmouth Street, Boston 15, Massachusetts, U.S.A.

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