"Dear readers, our Journal is designed to bring health and happiness to all households wherein it is permitted to enter, and to confer increased power to be good and to do good." Mary Baker Eddy thus clearly and simply defines the purpose of The Christian Science Journal on page 262 of "Miscellaneous Writings."
The following experience illustrates how one copy of the Journal, together with several copies of the Christian Science Sentinel, fulfilled this mission of bringing health and happiness to an entire household. The mother in a small family had been declared incurably ill by a well-known clinic. Following the physicians' advice that a change of climate might prolong her life a short while, the family journeyed to a distant part of the country and there rented a furnished house.
In this house were several copies of the Christian Science periodicals, in which the mother soon became engrossed. She became convinced that Christian Science is indeed the truth regarding God and man's relationship to Him. She called a local practitioner whose name was listed in the Journal. In a very few weeks the mother was completely healed of the dread disease, solely through the help of Christian Science. A new era of health and happiness dawned for the family, several members of which have since become active workers in the Field of Christian Science.