The world today yearns for the end of strife and material armaments. Thousands are praying earnestly for the fulfillment of the time pictured by the prophet Micah when it shall come to pass that "they shall beat their swords into plowshares, and their spears into pruninghooks: nation shall not lift up a sword against nation, neither shall they learn war any more" (4:3).
The successful accomplishment of disarmament is the responsibility of all men. But the laying down of material weapons, as well as the beating of them into plowshares, is only one of the phases of the subject of disarmament in its larger aspect. If every military weapon of offense and defense were destroyed today, there would still be no guarantee of permanent or even temporary peace in the world.
True disarmament can only be established as sin gives place to spirituality in the hearts of men; as fear and hate are displaced by love; as mortality surrenders to immortality in the consciousness of the individual.