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From the September 1959 issue of The Christian Science Journal

Those acquainted with ancient civilizations know that the people of those times believed that their lives were governed by many different gods and that good came to them as they found favor with the god that was governing a specific phase of activity. The advent of Christianity, with the provable knowledge of only one God, showed the fallacy of these earlier beliefs and revealed that the people had been governed not by gods many but by their own superstitions and fears.

It is easy today to see how ridiculous it would be to subject one's life to the belief of being governed by many gods. But how much more intelligent are some of the beliefs that many well-educated people hold on to today? A goodly number of people believe that their lives can be governed by the position of the stars or by those who have passed from this realm of existence. And nearly everyone believes, consciously or unconsciously, that he has a mind which is separate from God which has the power and ability to govern his own actions.

Christian Science comes to the present-day world to reveal that these beliefs have no more scientific foundation than did those entertained by the people of ancient times. Through Christian Science we learn that there is one God, one power, one Mind, and that this Mind governs its universe of infinite ideas perfectly in continuous harmony and goodness. We learn also to acknowledge that God governs in human affairs.

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