When I was a young girl, my home was very unhappy, and suddenly my mother, sister, and I were left to take care of ourselves. For some years I resented this separation, and I felt I had been deprived of a father's care and protection. I married quite young, and a few years later I read something about Christian Science which interested me very much. I then read all I could find about this new-old religion, but I felt it was too deep for me to understand.
However, one day after I had become acquainted with a Christian Science Reading Room, I found this inspired definition in "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" by our beloved Leader, Mary Baker Eddy (p. 586): "Father. Eternal Life; the one Mind; the divine Principle, commonly called God." Right then I knew that I was a child of God, constantly in His care, and that I had gained a Father who was eternally mine.
Some years later I was deprived of my husband's care and companionship. This seemed more than I could bear, but a Christian Science practitioner who was helping me called my attention to a verse from the Bible which reads (Isa. 54:5), "Thy Maker is thine husband; the Lord of hosts is his name." I pondered this statement for some time, and gained the conviction that my God, whom I had learned to love as Father, was in reality also my husband. Thus, I could not be deprived of a husband's care.