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Testimonies of Healing

That Christian Science has been available...

From the June 1961 issue of The Christian Science Journal

That Christian Science has been available to me since I was a small child is, to me, cause for much gratitude. I am also grateful for an increasing awareness of the need to keep my consciousness filled with Truth and Love so that God's omnipotence and goodness may be constantly demonstrated.

When we were first married, I obtained a position in the library of the university which my husband was attending. A physical examination was required in order to qualify for the position. After giving me some tests, the doctor recommended that I take certain remedies for a kidney ailment. I said that they would not be necessary, since I was a Christian Scientist. The doctor reminded me that the condition must be healed before my record could be cleared.

Early one morning I awoke in great pain, and my husband called a Christian Science practitioner for me. The next day the intense pain was gone, although some discomfort remained; but within the week that too disappeared.

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