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Testimonies of Healing

I had been a sickly child and had come...

From the January 1963 issue of The Christian Science Journal

I had been a sickly child and had come close to death several times. However, I had a great love for God, whom I imagined to be someone way off in heaven. My mother-in-law introduced me to Christian Science, and after trying in vain to find something wrong with it, I felt very much drawn to reading Science and Health by Mrs. Eddy.

About this time, I was suffering from a severe case of eyestrain. My eyes would become so sore after I had read for only a few minutes that I would have to stop. It was then that I borrowed Science and Health. After reading it through, I knew that it contained the truth. The reading had been a difficult process, and I still was not healed. After a week I finally broke into tears and prayed, "Please, God, if this is the truth, show me." In fifteen minutes I was completely healed.

Since that time our family has had healings of pneumonia, croup, bronchitis, blood poisoning, infected ears, and other conditions. Human relationships have been improved, and supply has become more abundant in my husband's business. Protection from so-called childhood diseases and accidents can also be included among our blessings. I am grateful for the healing of the smoking habit, which opened the way for me to become a member of a branch church.

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