Referring to the perfect and unlimited nature of divine Love, Mrs. Eddy asks this pertinent question in Science and Health (p. 2): "Shall we plead for more at the open fount, which is pouring forth more than we accept?" She indicates that it is the nature of God to express infinite good, that is, good without measure or extent, without regard to person or race. Then what is the determining factor regarding the degree of our experience of that good? It is our receptivity.
Infinite Love knows no limits. It knows no degrees of good. It is absolute. In the presence of unlimited good there is no need. And it isn't necessary for divine Love to be aware of a human need to fill it. The very nature of the infinite precludes any limitation.
In view of this, we understand that the purpose of prayer is not to try to influence, persuade, or change God. The purpose of prayer is to cultivate receptivity in our own consciousness. We pray to bring our thinking into accord with the divine Mind. The purity of our thinking, the spirituality of our thinking, the at-one-ment with divine Love which we attain, is the measure of the effectiveness of our prayer. For this attainment brings healing and blessing into our experience without fail.