The metaphysics of Christian Science is effective in increasing the quality and efficiency in group action. Business and community enterprises today are so complex that planning and action are initiated and carried out by groups of specialists. A team of experts, a committee, or a corporation usually replaces one-man enterprise. And compromise and conservatism as often replace unity and boldness.
Social science analyzes group dynamics and suggests human methods, sometimes helpful, always limited to human conceptions. Christian Science presents a spiritual method. According to this Science, reality and the laws which control it are spiritual, created by one Mind, God; they are absolute. As the individual scientifically applies the absolute truth to his human situation, his understanding and character are transformed. His experience then begins to pattern the harmony and law of divine reality.
As one member of a group changes, all relationships to that member are forced to change, and therefore the entire group changes. And so as one member of the group understands the spiritual reality of demand, ideas, and action, he can use this truth to help the entire group bring out better results. Spiritual understanding of Truth, Mind, and Love demonstrates specific laws of God, for Truth, Mind, and Love are synonymous with God. To the extent that initiative, plan, and work are based on spiritual laws, they are intelligent, efficient, and free from the stifling conflicts of human personalities.