The more closely ideas are related to God, the more penetrating is their light. This has been proved in the spread of Christianity. Christ Jesus brought to humanity the clearest idea of God as Love and of man as Love's expression that it had ever known. And he said (John 8: 12), "I am the light of the world." So fired were many of the early Christians by the Messiah's message of love that they devoted their lives to the rugged missionary work of taking that message to pagan lands. Many were persecuted and tortured, but the light of Truth, which they preached, penetrated farther and farther into the darkened minds of men. To this day Truth's glow continues to spread and to bless.
In today's world the Christian Scientist may have different ways of taking the light of Truth to mankind, but his responsibility is no less demanding. Indeed, it is more so, because the Science of Christianity, which he recognizes, is the final revelation of the same Christ-idea that gave Jesus power to heal sick and sinful people and to overcome material so-called laws.
One way the Scientist has of spreading the light of Truth is through the medium of the Christian Science periodicals. These publications present ideas that enlighten because their origin is in Deity. Our periodicals preach the infinitude of God, good, and the consequent nothingness of evil. And when this fact is understood, its healing light pierces the shadows of mortality, in whose gloom every form of evil, from disease to crime and war, takes place.