Love for Truth, as it has been revealed in Christian Science, leads one to learn to communicate clearly the truths of this Science. And since Mrs. Eddy provided the Christian Science periodicals for the purpose of clear, accurate communication of the truths of her revelation, it is fitting that those who have thoughts on Christian Science worth communicating take whatever steps may be necessary to learn to put their thoughts on paper in a form that is suitable for publication.
One who deeply loves Christ, Truth, knows that Truth is a brilliant outpouring of spiritual ideas from the one Mind, God. These ideas exist eternally in Mind, but they appear constantly as new ideas to human consciousness. Mrs. Eddy revealed Truth, and her revelation is final. But the demonstration of Truth in human lives demands fresh thoughts. The correct concept of Christ, or Truth, cannot be stored up in human memory; it must be expressed in ever-new conceptions of infinite reality.
One who loves Truth, then, loves more the coming of new ideas than he does the memory of what came to him yesterday. When he sets out to communicate Truth to mankind, he has before him the ideal of the Christ, the true idea of infinite Mind. When he writes, he keeps this ideal ever before him and strives to perfect the article he is producing in accordance with this ideal.