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From the March 1965 issue of The Christian Science Journal

O, the hours stretching to years
I have talked about God!
Close to the fireside, walking the hills,
the words have flowed
concerning God and His allness.
There is no other Life, no Mind,
no Truth, no Love, no consciousness;
and man is the very radiance of these,
so I have said.

O, the hours stretching to years
I have read about God!
In rooms, gardens, planes, trains,
I have scanned the words
concerning God and His allness.
There is no other Spirit, Soul,
no action, thought, identity;
and man reflects the blessedness of these,
so I have read.

O, let me close my mouth, my eye,
and, like untutored butterfly,
let me, on dumb, uplifted wing,
go out and be this perfect thing!

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