MOST of us are familiar with the many Bible passages which advise us to seek God that we may experience health and harmony, but do we often think of the passages which inform us that God is seeking us? For example, we read (Ezek. 34: 11), "Thus saith the Lord God; Behold, I, even I, will both search my sheep, and seek them out," and again (verse 16), "I will seek that which was lost . . . and will bind up that which was broken, and will strengthen that which was sick."
Christ Jesus' parable of the lost sheep points to this truth of God's seeking us. In it the shepherd left the ninety and nine that were safe on the hillside and sought out the one that had strayed. And if he found it, the parable continues, he rejoiced in it more than in all the other sheep.
How does God seek out His sheep? Is it not by the very nature of His being? God is Love, and Love is an ever-present, impelling force always acting upon and disposing of whatever would oppose Love and Life. God is Truth, and Truth destroys error. God is good, and the allness of good precludes a belief in evil. God is Spirit, and the reality of Spirit makes it impossible for matter to be real.