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From the March 1965 issue of The Christian Science Journal

A CHRISTIAN SCIENTIST was praying earnestly for divine guidance. She opened at random Mrs. Eddy's "Miscellaneous Writings." There a statement by our beloved Leader (p. 213), "Christian Science gives a fearless wing and firm foundation," stood out as though embossed. Many, many hours were spent in seeking an understanding of the divine guidance in that brief statement. The realization came clearly that the "fearless wing and firm foundation," which Christian Science gives, are the results of our accepting only the one spiritual consciousness as real. Through this acceptance we demonstrate fearless being, strength, constancy, firmness.

The firm foundation and fearless wing which are the gifts of Christian Science appear in our experience as we understand the nature of the Christ as the divine manifestation of Spirit, Mind, and its healing action. This Science teaches that thought must be lifted above matter until the allness of God, good, becomes apparent, and the arguments of the reality of matter fade. Enlightened faith is necessary to have a firm foundation and fearless wing. "Faith," we read in Hebrews (11:1), "is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen." Enlightened faith is not blind; it is not a Pollyanna belief that everything is going to be all right. It is an intelligent acknowledgment of God's presence and perfection now. Enlightened faith, according to the teachings of Christian Science, embraces the understanding of perfect God and perfect man as a firm foundation of thought and of demonstration.

The mission of Jesus and of Mrs. Eddy was not merely to heal; it was to demonstrate the oneness of Mind, which is God. The "fearless wing and firm foundation" appear as Mind is demonstrated. Mind knows its own substance, its own divine nature, as omnipresence, omnipotence, omniscience, omniaction. Mind knows its own expression as purity and perfection, as glory and gladness. Mind knows its own allness and oneness. And Mind's expression is man.

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