CHRISTIAN virtues are pillars of strength in an unstable world. The heart embodying Christlike qualities of thought draws close to God, receives power from above, and endurance and might from the infinite resources of Love.
Among the transitional qualities of thought which enable us to walk with peace and poise through all earthly experiences are patience and resignation. Only through unending devotion to good and a complete yielding to the will of God can peace and stability be maintained as we journey heavenward. Patience and resignation enable us to walk securely through the furnace of affliction, as well as the passing joys of earth, and to experience the mental and moral regeneration which transforms us and lifts us from earth to heaven.
True patience is not patience with error. It is the unending pouring in of good, the continuing labor to fill with spiritual treasures empty vaults of human consciousness. True patience tolerates no error, but works untiringly for the unfolding of good in human experience.