TRUTH includes a perfect universe embraced in the understanding of one infinite Mind. In Truth there are no obstacles. The real man, the idea of Mind, knows no obstacles. His way is entirely spiritual. It is the way of health, harmony, purity, love. His vision encompasses the universe, not in dreams but in realities.
Christ Jesus illustrated the ideal man and his immortal life. And he also demonstrated, for us, the way to gain true manhood. He illustrated the power of the Christ, Truth, which is with us as we follow the way he showed us. Many obstacles appear, but the power of Truth removes them if we trust Truth and go forward.
Christian Science explains that the way Jesus taught is the way out of the flesh, out of the false sense of material selfhood into the realization of our spiritual identity in Truth. One can meet the need for better health, for the solution to a business problem, or for more harmony in the home— for the overcoming of any obstacle to progress—by denying the claims of material selfhood and identifying oneself as the real man.