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Originality and Healing

From the January 1971 issue of The Christian Science Journal

Everything in God's universe is original. Springing freshly from the divine Mind, it is brilliant, beautiful, and unique. Every manifestation of Mind, however minute, expresses the vitality, spontaneity, intelligence, perfection, of its source. Insofar as we recognize this, and understand that God's universe is the only creation there is, we can rule out of our experience all that is not vital, spiritually beautiful, intelligent, or perfect.

Disease has its existence—its only existence—in the belief in a creation independent of God. Lacking an infinite source, individual persons or organs or organisms can, in this belief, wear out, become inoperative, break down, decay, or originate new life forms of their own.

Christian Science shows us that we do not exist in finite belief but in infinite Truth. The so-called mind of finite beliefs is a mind in supposition only. As we come to understand this, we recognize the deceptive falsity of thoughts that claim to be original but have no divine source. A cancer is such a thought. And so is self-righteousness. Both appear to be self-made. Both seem to insist, in their own way, that they have a right to be what they are because they want to be, and they threaten trouble if anyone or anything interferes with them.

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