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Do You Want to Be Creative?

From the January 1971 issue of The Christian Science Journal

In the advertising business, creativity is at a premium. Artists and writers are hired —and fired—because of their creative performance. Sometimes the pressure to create becomes intensely demanding. Deadlines have to be honored and jobs presented to clients as soon as they are called for. Thousands of dollars may hang in the balance while a campaign gets stuck in the typewriter stage waiting for a fresh idea.

But, then, few of us are exempt from creative demands. It would be hard to find a person alive who has not had to face a blank piece of paper, an empty canvas, or a situation that needs new thought and expression.

The question is, Are we willing to give up the usual beliefs about talent and self-expression and approach these tasks with some fresh and precise metaphysical views? If we are, then the job becomes easier. The so-called creative process loses its grueling search and its fearful moments in the sheer joy of expressing divine Mind. Right human ideas are more readily encompassed, and they flow freely in thought.

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