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Testimonies of Healing

About two years ago I was stricken with...

From the July 1971 issue of The Christian Science Journal

About two years ago I was stricken with sciatica, which almost incapacitated me. I was hardly able to walk or move without pain. One morning when the condition seemed especially severe, I asked my husband to call the Christian Science practitioner who was treating me. That day, as I recall, was the last of the severe attacks. There were recurrences in a milder form, but soon even these disappeared, and I was most grateful.

However, this was just the beginning of the healing. Physical discomfort then presented itself in other forms. I was not able to stand on my feet for any length of time or to sit comfortably, and it was especially painful to drive.

But all this time progress in spiritual understanding was being made. One morning the practitioner said to me, "God loves you." This opened my thought to divine Love as the healing Principle of Christian Science.

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