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Testimonies of Healing

[Original in German]

Mary Baker Eddy writes in the Christian Science...

From the July 1971 issue of The Christian Science Journal

Mary Baker Eddy writes in the Christian Science textbook, Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures (p. 99): "The calm, strong currents of true spirituality, the manifestations of which are health, purity, and self-immolation, must deepen human experience, until the beliefs of material existence are seen to be a bald imposition, and sin, disease, and death give everlasting place to the scientific demonstration of divine Spirit and to God's spiritual, perfect man."

In childlike love I sought to understand the Word of God when I was still in school. When I was fifteen, the words of Christ Jesus from the Bible (John 15:26) "When the Comforter is come, whom I will send unto you from the Father, even the Spirit of truth, which proceedeth from the Father, he shall testify of me" would not loose their hold on me.

After ten years my brother brought home Science and Health by Mrs. Eddy, and I rejoiced to hear such a glorious interpretation of the Word of God. Previously, without my knowing it, what I was hearing had been at work in me, for the Master's promise in John's Gospel had not fallen on stony ground.

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