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Testimonies of Healing

I attended an orthodox Sunday School...

From the July 1971 issue of The Christian Science Journal

I attended an orthodox Sunday School as a child and later became a member of the church itself. However, I did not realize the blessings of a healing religion until I began to attend services in a Church of Christ, Scientist. I took up the study of Christian Science for physical healing, but I early learned that regeneration of thought was what I really needed.

At that time I was struggling to make a satisfactory adjustment to a change both in my environment and in my pattern of living. It seemed that the change was fast making me a hopeless invalid. After fourteen years spent in doing largely manual labor on a farm, I had suddenly been catapulted to a highly complex college campus in another part of our country. Here the new demands made of me seemed overwhelming. Although I had early consulted medical help and even a psychiatrist, I was still relying heavily on drugs in order to secure sleep and to face my classes. Often, as I now recall, the thought would come to me: Where will all of this lead me? What will be the end?

And then in the extremity of my need the answer came. During the final week of summer school in a large western university, a new acquaintance invited me to attend the midweek testimony meeting in a branch church. Above me on a wall of the church auditorium was this statement of Christ Jesus' (John 8:32): "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free." Beside this statement was another (Science and Health by Mrs. Eddy, p. 494): "Divine Love always has met and always will meet every human need." Here appeared to be a promise of help, and I was genuinely impressed even before the meeting began. Readings from the Bible and from Science and Health, and the enthusiastic testimonies that followed, further convinced me that help was indeed on its way.

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