How great is God's goodness, and how selfless the life of Mrs. Eddy to help us bear witness to God's goodness in such abundant proof! Christian Science came to me through a wonderful marriage, which continues to grow in affection, respect, and joy, as do daily blessings of health and supply for our family.
Although for several years my thought seemed unreceptive to the teachings of Christian Science, I could not deny, and did appreciate, the benefits my husband and children were having from their daily living of this truth. I had been raised in a Christian home and knew a sense of right and the power of prayer, although it did not seem easy to rely on prayer alone for healing.
My first healing came when I had a painful infection and swelling in my ears, diagnosed by a doctor as irritation caused by impurities in a public swimming pool. After several medical treatments and sleepless nights, and little relief, my husband offered to call a Christian Science practitioner for treatment. I agreed, and the calm assurance I felt from the practitioner's simple statements of God's loving support for His spiritual, perfect creation dissolved the lie of suffering and symptoms of infection within twenty-four hours. My contribution to the healing had been expectancy, and the practitioner's Christly recognition of God's perfect man had completed the work.