I became acquainted with Christian Science sixteen years ago. In spite of my efforts to avoid this illumined way, today I am on it, full of gratitude and tremendously happy to be able to testify to the deep change which this wonderful Science brought about for me.
A good friend began to talk to me about Christian Science at my place of work. At the beginning I took those chats as a kind of sport to see who would win. Then it began to disconcert me that this person, who had not had the education I had had, argued with unusual depth and, especially, expressed much love and patience. I accepted the textbook, Science and Health by Mrs. Eddy, to be able to argue better and had the firm intention of demonstrating how erroneous its statements were. I took the book home and shut myself in my room. I recall that after having read the first pages of the chapter on Prayer, I felt an inner peace as never before. I continued reading the book with interest, and its logical and clear explanation of Bible passages moved me deeply. I was then a young man with many emotional problems. I had lived through the violence of a cruel war, and felt morally defeated.
The change did not take place overnight, but gradually I abandoned false gods and the shadows dispersed. A few months after having begun to read the book, I went to the country with some friends. There was a river there in which we had swum many times. One day, as I was getting out of the river, I slipped and fell, cutting one foot on something very sharp. I hopped to our camping spot. When my friends saw the wound, they became very much alarmed, and one went for a doctor. I insisted that I didn't need a doctor, that I was going to use Christian Science.