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Church in Action News and Announcements

Parents of Sunday School pupils encouraged to share their healings with their children

From the November 1976 issue of The Christian Science Journal

It came as no surprise to learn that the society in Texas that sent in the following report has just recently become a church. The members' progressive thinking is clearly evident in the way they are teaching their young people to heal, are including parents in the Sunday School's concept of spiritual education, and are encouraging pupils to participate in church activities.

They write: "For two years it has been our goal in the Sunday School to emphasize the healing work each individual must do in his daily life, starting with the youngest child, and encouraging him to do his own metaphysical work. Students are healing themselves. Some, after only a few months of attending, are already applying the truth. They are inviting their friends to come, and our Sunday School is growing."

In a church meeting on Sunday School that had the theme "Use It or Lose It" (parents as well as church members were invited), it was emphasized that a child isn't born a musician nor does he become one by attending his music lessons each week. He becomes a musician by practicing what he is taught. The same is true of a Christian Scientist; he becomes one through his own practice of what he understands of Science. "We felt," the report continues, "that if we only taught theory and didn't show the student how to do his homework—the practice of Christian Science—we would be remiss. We know that we must reinforce the teaching of the parents or the child will not learn to use Science but will possibly lose it."

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