Are we dead already?
Well, let us ask ourselves: Do I believe that matter is real? Do I accept the general conviction that sin, sickness, and death are realities—that death is inevitable? Am I of the opinion that God knows both good and evil? Have I a far-off heaven—a place somewhere above the sky? Am I inclined to think there is a personal devil with a burning hell somewhere under the earth? And do I identify myself as a matter man —a man made of dust, a mortal? If the answer to any of these questions is yes, in that measure do we accept a mortal concept of man—of ourselves—and are dead already.
Now what can we do to overcome, rather than submit to, this lie called death? To work out our own salvation, to rise from the fake decree of mortal thought that we must die, and instead to live, we must do what Paul said he did: "I die daily."I Cor. 15:31; We must awaken from material, dying beliefs and let them die daily, for they are the only unliving things about us.