My mother told me about Christian Science shortly after I married. I had been ill for months before the birth of my first child. After she was born, the doctor told me I would always be an invalid and probably would not be able to walk. At my mother's earnest request I started to read Science and Health by Mrs. Eddy.
At first I was very skeptical and could not understand how the reading of a book could help me. However, I began to understand something of the truth in this great work and of the fundamental Science of being which it revealed. Thereafter my health and strength returned almost without my consciousness of the renewal, and I was able to live a normal happy life.
When my child was about four years old, she suddenly became very unwell. I remember reading to her from the Bible, and we came across the passage in James, the fifth chapter, where there are comforting assurances that "the prayer of faith shall save the sick" and that "the effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much" (vv.15,16). We talked about this and I was astonished that so young a child could understand the meaning of these passages so clearly. After our reasoning spiritually in this way she was quickly healed.