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From the March 1976 issue of The Christian Science Journal

nowhere in the endless space of now
was ever greater more significant-momentous


than this very one—

hushed-quiet as the tiniest violet


warmed with purest sunrayed light—
        shadyed by only the strongest Rock—
                 nurturehood complete
                          with water crystling cold and cherished
                                   in a dewdropshapen cup—

so treasure-after-tresure seense
    of stronger loving sureness
will grow with ceaseless keep-on-growing
til      s  t  r  e  t  c  h  e  s    f  o  r  t  h
a vista wonderous full, with overflowing grandexpansive nonedges

and every cornered nook of nongrow disappears


by a never-ending field


Adrianne Mead Tindall

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