Christian Science treatment leads to the inspired realization that all is perfect Mind and its perfect, spiritual reflection. Evil in whatever form would deny God's allness. But metaphysical treatment removes this denial by opening consciousness to the action of God, Principle. When error leaves our thought, it leaves our life.
It is important to understand the rules of scientific treatment. Mrs. Eddy says: "Jesus beheld in Science the perfect man, who appeared to him where sinning mortal man appears to mortals. In this perfect man the Saviour saw God's own likeness, and this correct view of man healed the sick."1
This understanding of God and the spiritual man was more real to Christ Jesus than the evidence of material sense. For most of us, the clarity of the view of perfect God and perfect man is not always sufficient to destroy the erroneous evidence immediately. Therefore, to heal effectively, we often must use Christianly scientific reasoning to lift thought above matter's false evidence to the point where Truth becomes so vivid that false suggestions leave.