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Only one kind of man

From the November 1980 issue of The Christian Science Journal

At this time when those who refer to themselves as "gays" are seeking social and legal recognition of their life style, the following is offered with the hope that it will stimulate reason and encourage those called homosexuals who express a love for God to turn and actively seek God's help in overcoming homosexual tendencies.

In order for a consideration of this subject to accomplish its purpose, it needs to be open and explicit and have a basis for its reasoning. The basis in this instance will be the Bible account of creation. In the book of Genesis we read: "And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness .... So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; .... And God saw every thing that he had made, and, behold, it was very good."1 This account is the scriptural authority for the Christian Science teaching that man, as the image and likeness of God, or Spirit, was created by Him, wholly good and spiritual—perfect.

Man's perfection in God, as God's spiritual idea or image, is a scientific fact and is the premise that needs to be accepted for reason to be brought to bear on the problem of homosexuality. In Christian Science there is no mingling of good and evil. In practical demonstration the understanding of this results in normalcy—no mingling of the normal and the abnormal. Truth destroys abnormality, because Truth includes no abnormality. Mrs. Eddy says in Science and Health, "Truth is ever truthful, and can tolerate no error in premise or conclusion."2

2 Science and Health, p. 129;

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