A friend introduced my mother to Christian Science when my two brothers and I were children. Mother had been seeking a better understanding of God, and she immediately accepted the truth of this teaching. Although she studied it, attended a branch church regularly, and enrolled us in Christian Science Sunday School, to my recollection we did not immediately rely on Science for healing.
We children had been attending Sunday School for a couple of years when my youngest brother contracted two childhood diseases at the same time. Our family doctor diagnosed the case and said that because the illness had weakened the child's heart, the youngster must have absolute rest and quiet. After the doctor left, my mother called a Christian Science practitioner, who agreed to pray for the boy. In two days my brother was healed, and the doctor confirmed the healing.
Shortly after that my other brother, who was subject to chronic attacks of asthma, had a severe one. He too was quickly and completely healed through prayer. My mother also was healed—of a painful foot condition, and I was healed of a dislocation in my back caused while I was doing tumbling exercises in a school gym class.